Lume Cannabis CO.- UI Redesign
As businesses expand in the e-commerce realm, they need to take into consideration the client's needs as well as their shopping habits. My goal as a UI designer was to enhance Lume Cannabis Co.'s website with accessibility and usability in mind for both desktop and mobile users.
- Project manager
- Web developer
- Lead UX Designer
- UI Designer
- UI Designer
Lume Cannabis Co.
- Figma
- Teams
- DevOps
- Jira
The Goals
ADA Compliant Assets
Create Master Variant Page
Expand Information in PDPs
Goal 1: ADA Compliant Assets
By the time I joined the team, most of these assets were created, however, I was tasked to finish finding the correct color combination for the remainder of the categories and place them in each product link and within each PDP as well as finding and replacing previous assets with their new corresponding ones.
*Please note that not all assets are present due to company restrictions
Before and after:
Previous assets
Previous assets in images
Current assets
Current assets in images
Goal 2: Create Master Variant Pages
Previously, clients would have to switch back and forth between two different tabs in their browser if they were unsure of the amount of product they wanted. With a master variant page for each product, this friction is able to be minimized so that clients can compare their choices much faster.
*Please note that the previous PDP is not available, this is a close recreation
Before and after:
Previous PDP
Current PDP
Goal 3: Expand Information in PDPs
Additionally to creating master variant pages, Lume wanted to enhance the client's experience by providing additional information about the product in a clear and efficient manner. Clients can now identify the categories they like beyond the color coded ones.
Before and after:
Previous PDP section, not showing full description due to limitations
Current PDPs showcasing different descriptions depending on the product type
Mobile variant